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Combs & Associates Family Dentistry Blog

5 Reasons Dental Implants Are Worth the Cost

November 15, 2022

Dental implant on stack of cash

If you’ve lost a tooth or two over the years, you have more options than ever to replace your missing teeth. As an alternative to bridges and dentures, 500,000 people every year are choosing dental implants to fill the gaps in their smiles. However, they are associated with a large price tag. Are dental implants worth the cost in Bella Vista? Absolutely! Here are 5 reasons to invest in the next best thing to your… (Read More)

Get the Facts About School Lunches

September 14, 2022

School lunches on table

Children across the country are getting ready to head back to school. As you shop for the perfect outfit for your child’s first day and the best school supplies, there’s one more thing they need for a successful year ahead–a healthy lunch. Whether they eat a school lunch or you pack their lunchbox, here are a few things you should know about common foods found in the cafeteria to prevent a toothache from keeping your… (Read More)

Instant Orthodontics: Just Add Porcelain Veneers

June 15, 2022

If you’re dealing with crooked or misaligned teeth, you probably think you must have them straightened. That would mean a few years with traditional braces or, if possible, a year or so wearing Invisalign aligners. Either way, the process would take a while. However, another choice is on the table: instant orthodontics, thanks to porcelain veneers. This latter treatment could give you a perfectly straight smile in just a few appointments. Here’s a summary of… (Read More)

Can I See an Emergency Dentist without Insurance?

March 4, 2022

If you have ever experienced a dental emergency, you know just how stressful it can be. They suddenly seem a whole lot worse when you don’t have dental insurance to cover your visit. You want to get the care that you need but worry about dealing with a shocking bill at the end of your emergency treatment. Here are a few things your dentist in Bella Vista wants you to know when seeking emergency dental… (Read More)

How Much Enamel Do I Need to Be Removed for Veneers?

February 4, 2022

Are you unhappy with how your smile looks? One of the great things about living in today’s world is you don’t need to settle for a grin you don’t feel confident about. There are several cosmetic dental treatments that can help correct flaws, such as porcelain veneers. They can address all sorts of aesthetic issues like teeth that are misshapen, chipped, gapped, discolored, or undersized. But you may be wondering, how much enamel needs to… (Read More)

How to Enjoy Holiday Foods without Harming Teeth

December 4, 2021

It’s understandable that Santa’s Elves might get a bit stressed out when the holidays are approaching because of how many toys they have to build, but those little guys aren’t the only ones who might feel concerned. Your teeth may be trembling at the prospect of another holiday season. While the holidays bring plenty of traveling, parties, and gift-giving, they also involve a lot of eating. Many people will let their diet slip when it… (Read More)

Why Is Enamel Loss a Big Deal?

October 14, 2021

Woman looking at her teeth in mirror

The human jaw can exert 171 pounds of force, which means your teeth must be strong to withstand the pressure. Thankfully, your enamel is the hardest substance in your body. The hard outer layer you see when you look in the mirror is responsible for protecting the softer inner layers, called the dentin and pulp. Although your enamel is resilient, it isn’t indestructible. Enamel wear is a serious problem that must be addressed because it… (Read More)

How to Enjoy Your Favorite Summer Foods with Dentures

July 9, 2021

After getting your beautiful new dentures, you may feel ready to show them off and put them to use at all the summer festivities. While it can be tempting to dig right into all your favorite foods at a cookout, you will need to take it easy when it comes to eating. Otherwise, you risk damaging your restored smile. Read along for a few tips to help you enjoy your favorite seasonal treats with dentures.

7 Dental Implant Aftercare Tips

April 16, 2021

Is your dental implant surgery coming up in the near future? One of the great things about living in today’s world is the fact that missing teeth can be a thing of the past. You don’t need to settle for gaps in your smile any longer thanks to several different tooth replacement options, like dental implants. Implants have so many benefits, including the prevention of bone loss and restoring your chewing power. However, you will… (Read More)

Don’t Let COVID-19 Keep You From Getting Your Dream Smile!

February 7, 2021

Closeup of beautiful smile thanks to cosmetic dentist

From weddings to school to family gatherings, the COVID-19 pandemic has made us put off many things that we were looking forward to. However, that doesn’t mean your smile has to follow suit! Your Bella Vista cosmetic dentist has reopened their practice with thorough infection control policies and COVID-19 safety protocols to ensure your safety during your visit. That means now is the perfect time to start a cosmetic dental treatment to correct that imperfection… (Read More)