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Don’t Let Summer End Before Your Child Sees the Dentist in Pea Ridge!

August 6, 2019

Summer is almost over, and there’s not much time left to get ready before life starts to get busy again for you and your children. What’s on your back-to-school checklist? You’ll naturally be shopping for supplies and new clothes, but there’s one more task that’s best done sooner rather than later: taking your kids to see the dentist in Pea Ridge to make sure their smiles are bright, healthy and ready for the new school year!

Why Do I Need to Take My Child to See the Dentist?

Cavities become a constant threat to your child’s health as soon as their first tooth comes in. The bacteria in their mouth secrete acid when exposed to sugar and starch, gradually wearing away at the enamel. If these cavities aren’t treated quickly, they can lead to a very painful infection. Your child could even lose the tooth altogether, which can have a hugely negative affect on their oral health and development.

Even if the cavity is in a baby tooth that will fall out on its own, it’s still a major problem. The decay could spread to the still-developing adult teeth, leading to long-term health issues. Furthermore, if a baby tooth comes out too early, it could affect the alignment of the rest of your child’s permanent teeth and require braces to correct.

To protect your little one’s pearly whites, you should be teaching them good oral hygiene as early as possible. This includes taking them to the dentist at least twice a year; these regular cleanings and checkups are the best way to find and remove any plaque and tartar that’s been missed during daily brushings. It’s especially important for younger kids who aren’t able to effectively clean their entire mouths yet.

Why Should My Child Go to the Dentist Before School Starts?

It can be hard to find time for a dental appointment while school’s in session. Plus, having to make up missed assignments can be stressful for your child. With a summer checkup, you won’t have to worry about these scheduling conflicts; you can come in at a time when it’s most convenient for everyone! As a possible bonus, your child is more likely to feel relaxed during their vacation, making the visit much more pleasant.

If your kids didn’t have their appointments done at the beginning of the break, having them done as soon as possible might be especially important. Summer is a time when children and adults alike consume more sugary treats than usual such as cotton candy and ice cream. Having a cleaning done now could potentially prevent a lot of damage to the teeth later.

When you’re setting up an appointment for your kids, don’t forget to voice any concerns you have about their dental development, such as the need for braces. Make sure your child heads back to class with a dazzling grin that’s well-protected and well-cared for!

About the Author

Dr. Chris R. Combs has practiced dentistry for over 20 years and is still expanding his knowledge and skill set with continuing education courses, seminars and training. He offers preventive care that keeps the whole family smiling; for instance, he can apply dental sealants to protect molars from cavities. To schedule an appointment at his practice in Pea Ridge, Combs & Associates Family Dentistry, visit his website or call (479) 488-6131.