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Combs & Associates Family Dentistry Blog

Don’t Let Summer End Before Your Child Sees the Dentist in Pea Ridge!

August 6, 2019

Summer is almost over, and there’s not much time left to get ready before life starts to get busy again for you and your children. What’s on your back-to-school checklist? You’ll naturally be shopping for supplies and new clothes, but there’s one more task that’s best done sooner rather than later: taking your kids to see the dentist in Pea Ridge to make sure their smiles are bright, healthy and ready for the new school… (Read More)

Debunking 6 Common Myths About Gingivitis in Bella Vista

July 15, 2019

If you brush and floss your teeth every day and have never had a cavity, you might think you can never be at risk for gingivitis. However, this is a common myth. There are other factors that can contribute to having gum disease besides just your health habits. Let’s debunk 6 myths about gingivitis in Bella Vista.

How Can a Deep Cleaning Treat Periodontal Disease in Bella Vista?

June 12, 2019

Deep cleaning your teeth might sound like what your dental hygienist will do at your regular biannual appointments. However, it’s a lot more serious and less common than that. A deep cleaning is a specific procedure used to treat advanced gum disease, or periodontal disease. But what does it entail? How does it fight gum disease? Do you need one? Keep reading as a dentist answers these questions about periodontal disease in Bella Vista.

It’s Worth It To See an Experienced Cosmetic Dentist In Bella Vista For Your Smile

April 5, 2019

Woman with a beautiful smile

Making the decision to enhance your smile isn’t a choice you make lightly. Cosmetic dental work is an investment that changes your life for the better, so you want to make sure your smile is cared for by someone with plenty of advanced training and experience. At Combs and Associates Family Dentistry, Dr. Chris Combs is a cosmetic dentist in Bella Vista known for the beautiful results he provides and the high-quality care his patients… (Read More)

Your Children’s Dentist in Bella Vista Says Celebrate Oral Health!

February 3, 2019

While for many people, February is typically a time to indulge in chocolates and other sweet delights, dentists around the country are, instead, encouraging children to start healthy oral care habits. Thus, your children’s dentist in Bella Vista says there are five things you can do, along with your child, to celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month. Read on to find out what they are!

BlueCross BlueShield Dentist in Pea Ridge: How to Use Your Benefits!

January 6, 2019

The new year has begun, which means people are just beginning their resolutions and making positive changes in their daily habits. But many people tend to overlook their dental insurance plans because they don’t see the need to schedule so early in the year. According to a BlueCross BlueShield dentist in Pea Ridge, there’s no better time than now to start thinking about your benefits and begin maximizing them to the fullest! Here’s how you… (Read More)

The Devastating Effects of Untreated Gum Disease in Bella Vista

December 4, 2018

Gum disease afflicts millions of adults across the United States. Most people do not even realize that they have it because the symptoms are practically unnoticeable at first. However, as the condition progresses, it can lead to devastating consequences. Let’s talk about how untreated gum disease in Bella Vista may be able to destroy your oral and overall health — and how you can stop it before it causes permanent damage.

Why Are Dental Implants in Bella Vista the Ideal Choice For Missing Teeth?

November 19, 2018

A model of an implant in the lower jaw

Did you know that an estimated 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth? It’s not surprising, given that there are so many reasons for tooth loss: gum disease, genetics, accidents and poor oral hygiene are just some of them! Unfortunately, there aren’t nearly as many solutions for tooth loss as there are causes, and for many years the only options were bridges or dentures. Thankfully, patients today have a superior choice: dental implants… (Read More)

4 Tips for Finding the Right Pediatric Dentist in Bella Vista!

October 18, 2018

child smiling curly hair

It’s important that your child get off to the right start when it comes to his or her oral health. Thus, you want to find the best pediatric dentist in Bella Vista to work with. How can you be sure who is the right professional to trust the dental care of your little one to, though? One way to narrow down the field is to have set criteria to use throughout your search. Read on… (Read More)

Maintenance Tips You Need to Know for Dentures in Bella Vista

April 7, 2018

woman smiling apple

After missing teeth for so long, you can’t imagine not having a complete smile again. Thankfully, your dentures in Bella Vista have replaced your missing teeth and provided a boost in the quality of your life—but it wasn’t easy nor cheap to do so. Dentures are an investment that you should take pride in caring for! Plus, proper care of your dental prosthetics will help them last a lifetime. Learn all about denture maintenance and… (Read More)